Shipping FAQ

Are all products in an order shipped together?

Some of our products come individually packaged to protect their shape and provide extra durability. In some cases, we may fulfill products from the same order in different facilities, which means they’ll be shipped separately.

What’s the estimated delivery time, and how is it calculated?

Our average order fulfillment takes 2–5 business days for all products.

Average shipping time for US and EU customers is 2-6 business days.

Average international shipping time is 8-14 business days.

We consider the current order volume and our fulfillment capacity when calculating our estimated fulfillment time. Similarly, we calculate estimated shipping time according to our historical shipping data for deliveries to your area.

But the estimated delivery time is just an estimate, not a guarantee. Here are some of the reasons why an order might arrive past its EDT:

  • Issues with print or embroidery
  • Products being out of stock
  • Shipping related delays like failed delivery attempts, service disruptions, or harsh weather conditions

Nonetheless, we work hard to meet our delivery estimates with each order. 

If you’re ever in a situation where the EDT has passed, please wait a bit longer. Then, once 5 business days have passed, get in touch with us via email or chat, and we’ll take a look.

How can I track my order?

Once your order is ready to go, we hand it over to the carrier and send you a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. You can click on that number to see the latest updates on your shipment’s location via our tracking page.

Why can’t I see any tracking info after my order has been shipped out?

It can take up to 48 hours for tracking info to show up in your carrier’s system.

Note that for international shipments, tracking info might appear even later. It’s also the case for shipments coming from our Tijuana facility, as we first ship items to the US and sort them at our San Diego facility. So don’t worry, your shipment is still on track for its destination.

Is shipping available in all countries?

We don’t ship to some countries because of legal restrictions or shipping carrier limitations. 

The list of restricted countries may change depending on world events, but for now, we don’t ship to the following destinations: 

  • Crimea, Luhansk, and Donetsk regions in Ukraine
  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Ecuador
  • Cuba
  • Iran
  • Syria
  • North Korea 

Please note, that Russia’s war in Ukraine severely limits shipping to Ukraine.

Due to the impacts related to the Covid-19 pandemic and other unrelated service disruptions, our shipping carriers also don’t offer international shipping to the following countries (last updated on Oct 26, 2022):

  • Afghanistan
  • Bhutan
  • Brunei
  • Chad
  • Laos
  • Libya
  • Mongolia
  • Samoa
  • South Sudan
  • Timor-Leste
  • Turkmenistan
  • Yemen